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Roo Sleep Services

Roo Sleep was created to help families get the rest that they need and deserve. Led by Roo's Certified Sleep Consultant, Rachel Bascom, our goal is to support families by providing effective sleep support that is curated based on each family’s individual needs. We can support all ages of sleep – infants, babies, toddlers and big kids.

Roo Sleep
1 Hour Consultation

This 60 minute coaching session, with Rachel Bascom, Roo Certified Sleep Consultant, supports parents in their child’s specific sleep needs.

Roo Sleep
Mini Package

This package is best for families who need some guidance to get their child’s sleep back on track – from babies to toddlers (and even big kids!) This package can support early rising, nap challenges, difficulty with bedtime, transitioning to a big kid bed, or bedtime anxiety.


​This package includes:

  • A 60-minute sleep coaching session

  • one 30-minute follow up phone call

  • additional follow-up materials including notes on our coaching session

  • any relevant tip sheets or resources.

Roo Sleep Comprehensive
Support Package

This package is best for families with a baby or toddler that currently does not have the ability to consistently put themselves to sleep independently or is having challenges sleeping for long stretches.


This package includes:

  • A questionnaire evaluation on your current sleep situation

  • A 60-minute sleep coaching session

  • A customized, detailed Roo Sleep Plan

  • Four follow-up 15-minute phone calls

  • Two weeks of unlimited text and/or email support

  • A 'potential bumps in the road' guide to set you up for future success with your child’s sleep

Roo Sleep Follow-Up

This 30 minute follow-up session with Rachel Bascom, Roo Family Certified Sleep Consultant is for parents who would like to receive additional sleep support following a previous coaching session with Rachel.


Meet Rachel Bascom, 
Roo Sleep

Rachel Bascom is a mother of two and the Roo baby and toddler sleep consultant. She is certified through the Paediatric Institute of Sleep and Parenting, recognized by the International Association of Paediatric Sleep Consultants.


Through her own sleep journey with her two children she knows that sleep is important for all – kids and parents. Rachel’s methods are based in science and are effective. She is committed to working with clients to find the best solution for their family and child.

Not sure which session is for you?

At Roo, we offer a free 15-minute session, where we will discuss your needs and challenges and discover a path to help support your parenting goals.

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